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Concrete is more than just mixing cement, water and aggregates. The modern cement bounded high-tech materials are complex in composition as well as handling. This regards not only UHPC but also self compacting concrete or standard materials.


Seminar - Concrete

... under construction ...


Seminar - Self Compacting Concrete

... under construction ...


Seminar - Ultra High Performance Concrete

UHPC - A regular, non optimized UHPC could exist out of nine components. The order of mixing those components as well as the mixer type and the mixing control and time could influence the quality of the concrete extremely. G.tecz will teach you basic knowledge as well es expert know-how on UHPC.


Seminar - Architecture + Concrete

This seminar is especially for architects and designer. They are the engineers that are developing visions and ideas with concrete: Highrisers, structures, facade systems, objects, furniture ... They are the engineers, that are carefully selecting a material for the realization. Therefore it is importend to know the bandwidth of possibilities - designing, engineering but also monitoring concrete.

Ephemeral in-house seminar (Example)

- Basic technical Know-How on standart concrete and self compacting concrete
- Hints on handling on site
- Monitoring on site
- Formwork and geometry
- Finishing treatment

- Project-oriented reviews and problem solving.

Contact us for more information.